To All My Sisters Out There: Where to Start....

In cased you missed the first edition, a few months ago, here is a link that explains what is behind these posts: To All My Sisters Out There... Today, I wanted to chat really quickly about wedding planning. Perhaps this is because I just arrived home from the Chico Bridal Showcase and have a lot of thoughts. Which I just have to say -- Kenny and I had a blast meeting so many of you! Maybe it is because of our love for people and passion for photography --yesterday we got the best of both worlds!

Anyway, all of this, made me think about the process of planning a wedding. There are so many things to to think about and so many options. Where does one even start? I would say before you can even begin to book your vendors, it is such a good idea to come up with a vision for your wedding day. Think about what is most important to you about the event.

Here is a bit of a process that Kenny and I went through to plan our wedding.

To me, my marriage to Kenny was unequivocally (is that even a word) more important than the wedding day event, but that didn't mean that we lacked dreams for our wedding day. Weddings are once in a lifetime and for us, that day was so important. As we began to dream about our wedding day, we had a few thoughts (Ok, I had thousands of thoughts, but I will save those for a later post :) )

We wanted people to know they were loved and appreciated. We wanted to have fun and laugh a lot. We wanted the day to be beautiful. So we began to put those thoughts on paper and came up with somewhat of a plan for our day. It was a threefold vision for us, that kind of looked like this: 1. Appreciation for our friends and family 2. Fun 3. Beautiful

So that became a starting point for us. Who we were going to hire, what our venue was going to be, what colors we would choose, all depended on whether or not that helped us achieve our goal above. I make it sound so simple huh? I think the hardest part is making decisions to support your goals.

Well -- perhaps this is helpful. I say dream and enjoy the process. Remember that the end result is a beautiful marriage. Surround yourself with people that will support that to the utmost!

Cheers to Wedding Plans! K

And because this couple had dreams of a beach wedding -- I am pretty sure their decision to wear boat shoes, even went along with that.