Chico Photographer: Baby Dylan Tease...

Currently, I am getting very little sleep :) My days consist of so many great things -- but my oh my, can it make a woman tired. When I looked at October, knowing that the cutest of newphews would be born this month as well, I just knew. I knew it was going to be a "hold on for dear life, God give me energy" kind of month. So that is what we are doing. And trying to savor every moment as well. I am so thankful for all that is happening in our life! And, I am so thankful that Starbucks is still making great coffee for times like these :) And yesterday, I had two photo sessions. Here is one tease, from one session, for now. Baby Dylan, you are one! What an incredibly fast year! I love working with his family!

So, cheers to Friday and the fact that my Dad comes for a visit today! It's going to be a great weekend!