Fridays are for Fun

Well, it is that time of year: Where all of my work tends to be behind the scenes, organizing and creating and preparing for this next wedding season. So while I may seem quiet on the blog front, there is a lot going on in our lives:

*Prepping for tax season which is a very big project with a lot of little details. Lucky for me, I actually like accounting.

*Organized my office closet -- been putting this off for way too long. I think I surprised Kenny more than anyone. Out of the two of us, he is way more organized.

*Visited with friends at the T-Bar on Wednesday evening. Friends plus honeytea lattes, equals great night!

*As you might know from a facebook post, I did a strength training workout this week -- which only proved just how weak I really am. Pushups are not my friend.

*Cried, really big tears, at the conclusion of Prison Break this week. Just trust me when I tell you to never start watching this show. Saddest ending ever.

*Avoided the cereal aisle this week while grocery shopping. This was definitely a first, and probably a last as well.

*Went on a date with Kenny in 65 degree weather. Best day ever!

*Energized by really great conversations this week. At the end of the day, I am convinced that God and people are the only things that really matter in this world.

*Amazed by my hubby. He works so hard and never complains. I'm so thankful for him. He's the best. ever.

Happy Friday everyone! And as for today, I am officially taking a day off. Heading to Roseville with one of my favorite people. And yes, I will probably spend way too much time in Anthropologie.