Our Life These Days...
Some people have asked me what our life is really like now. My best answer: It's different; more full and very rich.
From the moment I wake up, there is always something to do. I no longer go into my office undistracted for hours at a time. There aren't many quiet moments. But there are many, many sweet moments. My iphone is full of beautiful moments, mostly pictures of Parker. I used to think I was busy before, but my definition of busy has changed. Right now, I am typing this, with a newborn in my arms. Who knew that you could stare at a child's face for so long. Some people said I might not ever want to work again, but I still love my job. I am more inspired today than I was yesterday. There are days of great awe and amazement. There are days of tears and chaos. There are days of failure. Tomorrow will probably look a lot different than today. My home isn't near as clean as it used to be. We still eat grilled cheese at least once a week. We still laugh a lot and have dance parties often. Kenny is still my best friend, I think our love is stronger now. Every day, I am reminded that I can't do all of this without God's grace. And every night, I go to bed really, really tired, but totally thankful.
Our life has changed, it's different, but I wouldn't go back for a moment. ever. I just know that all of this is a gift.
And here is small glimpse into our latest...
And because he is just the cutest... (thank you iPhone)