Fridays are for Fun

Well another week has come and gone, and my blogging is definitely lacking. I am so sorry for any of you who follow this blog. Wedding season and a very full life, has made for an emptier blog.

I thought I would write a quick Friday post today...

*Indulged in a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese on Sunday evening. Yes, we were that tired and that hungry. *Parker had a bout with a little bug last week -- not good times. Poor little man. Don't worry though, he has made a full, happy recovery. *Watched a movie from start to finish last weekend. First time since April. Parker slept like a baby through the whole thing ;) *They tell me that the Treat Receipt is back at Starbucks. I haven't been able to take them up on this offer yet. Maybe today... *Kenny taught at church on Sunday. He is amazing. Seriously. If you have time, you can hear his sermon here. *Enjoyed a walk on one of the cooler evenings this week. I think it was one of my more favorite moments of the summer. *Working up the nerve to watch my sister drive away on Tuesday. They will be moving back to Washington. Not sure what I will do without her here. *Been editing like crazy. Staring at a computer for hours at a time is not for the faint at heart. I promise. I have to get up and run laps around my office with Parker, in order to stay productive. *Headed to Napa for a wedding on Saturday. *Headed to LA for an E Session on Sunday. *It's going to be an incredible weekend.

We sure hope you are blessed. Have a great weekend friends. Much Love, K and K and P