Well here we are, it's already Friday, which means it's time for us to share some of the highlights from our week:
We are finding that most of our days begin long before the sun comes up. This is only because Parker loves the five o clock hour. If you know anything about me, you know that I am not a morning person. I didn't even know it was possible to function at this time of day ;)
Enjoyed seeing quite a few friends this week. With life being so crazy for us, I feel like all of our visits were long overdue. Feeling thankful.
I think it's safe to say, we are loving every moment of these gorgeous fall evenings here in Chico.
As some of you may have seen on Facebook, we found the biggest spider EVER last night . I would show you a picture, but I can't even stand to look at it. This is scary stuff, people.
It was a big week for Parker: He started eating cereal and crawling. Goodbye old life. The adventures have officially begun :)
Shot a lovely family session last night. Which reminds me, we are booking fall portrait sessions -- please email us for details.
Went to the dentist this week and had no cavities. Bring on the candy corn... (In case my dentist is reading this, don't worry, I always limit my intake to one bag per week ;) )
Dreaming about our next trip to Cannon Beach. We just got home last Thursday, and already miss our favorite place in the world.
And in case you missed, we shared some big announcements on the blog this week. (see posts below) #kstonenews
Well, have a great weekend friends! We might get really crazy and carve a pumpkin :)
K and K and P
This picture courtesy of our iPhone