Chico Portrait Photographer: Happy Birthday Sister
Having a sister is one of the best things that ever happened to me. And today, is her birthday. I am so grateful for who she is and for the amazing things that she has accomplished. Sister, thank you. Thank you for always laughing with me Thank you for listening Thank you for playing dolls with me until I was way too old Thank you for being so good at piano, that Mom let me quit Thank you for inspiring me with your work ethic (and your sense of fashion) Thank you for moving to Chico -- I cannot imagine this town without you Thank you for letting me stop by, anytime, anyday Thank you for marrying Brandon, what would Kenny do without him? Thank you for being so courageous as you trusted God with some crazy adventures this past year Thank you for giving birth to sweet Carsten Oh yes, and thank you for letting me burst into the delivery room the moment Carsten was born Thank you for never giving up on me Thank you for letting me be myself Thank you for standing by me
Most of all, thank you for being one of the greatest friends a sister could ask for. I love you so much! Happy Birthday Marissa!
PS: Isn't she beautiful? This was just a quick snapshot after some family photos the other day.... Love her!