Wordless Wednesday, on Tuesday...
Hopefully this photo will make you smile -- he pretty much makes my day:) And I know, it's not Wednesday, but tomorrow there will be a beautiful wedding on the blog .... Have a great Tuesday Evening! K
Hopefully this photo will make you smile -- he pretty much makes my day:) And I know, it's not Wednesday, but tomorrow there will be a beautiful wedding on the blog .... Have a great Tuesday Evening! K
This is going to be a short one today. It's been a tougher week. There were some fun things -- like a 10:30pm ice-cream run to Safeway, and brand new goggles, (because we are nearly professional swimmers now) ;), but there was one harder thing that made this week a bit different. *We found out on Sunday morning that our Grandma had passed away. It was the evening of her seventy-fifth birthday. She was a brave woman, persevering through many, many trials in this life. I will miss her. And so it's a sad week. I am more homesick and can't wait to be with my entire family in one week. I also know this wasn't the end for my Grandma and that gives us peace. She is finally healed and in the presence of God. Isn't that amazing? Life is truly short, and I think times like this make us sense that God is very real.
*There was a highlight to this week and that was hanging out with Carsten while his parents went on a little date :) He wore his cut off, had a mohawk and entertained us with his many faces. He is just the cutest, wouldn't you agree?
Don't worry, he was only concerned for a moment....
We love you Carsten!
Have a good weekend. Enjoy some cooler weather, I can hardly believe that it was thirty degrees warmer last week at this time. What a crazy life! Much Love, K and K
I got to work with this sweet boy today. He was a little bashful at first, but he quickly warmed up to the camera. So thankful for their family. And because Luke's Dad is our dentist, I have to say it once again, if you are looking for the best of dentists here in Chico, you must visit McComb Family Dentistry. Hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather today :) K
I think we all blinked and suddenly March is here! What a crazy year it has been so far. It seems like time is going by very quickly. Either that, or I am getting older. People used to tell me that time moves faster, the older you get. I am starting to believe them :) So here we are -- Kenny and I are in the midst of preparing for a mission trip to Mexico. Well, Kenny is preparing and I am trying to provide moral support because this will be the first year that I don't go on the trip. Which means that I am actually even more worried about it. How will Kenny survive the trip without me? Oh I am totally kidding, I promise :) I will be the one pacing the halls of my office wondering if he is still alive and well in Mexico. All that to say, I will miss him and the team like crazy!
And since it is March, that brings me to the point of this post, Senior Photos. Every year, we take a handful of senior photos. Mostly because we love high school students! I want to make sure you know we are doing this again and definitely want to work with as many of you as possible! We are getting busier as the weather continues to be incredible! So please schedule your session as soon as you can :) I can't wait to hear from some of you!
Have a great evening everyone! And if you don't mind, please pass this on to the high school families that you know! Cheers! K and K
cour·age /ˈkɜrɪdʒ, ˈkʌr-/ Show Spelled[kur-ij, kuhr-]noun 1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
Megan is courageous. She has faced incredible challenges in her life and yet she believes with everything in her that God is good. She loves her husband well and never stops giving to her little son, Ethan. She is compassionate and pours into the people around her. And, she has blessed my life as a friend.
Megan, thank you for being courageous in the way that you live your life. You are so beautiful.
Love you friend, K
Having a sister is one of the best things that ever happened to me. And today, is her birthday. I am so grateful for who she is and for the amazing things that she has accomplished. Sister, thank you. Thank you for always laughing with me Thank you for listening Thank you for playing dolls with me until I was way too old Thank you for being so good at piano, that Mom let me quit Thank you for inspiring me with your work ethic (and your sense of fashion) Thank you for moving to Chico -- I cannot imagine this town without you Thank you for letting me stop by, anytime, anyday Thank you for marrying Brandon, what would Kenny do without him? Thank you for being so courageous as you trusted God with some crazy adventures this past year Thank you for giving birth to sweet Carsten Oh yes, and thank you for letting me burst into the delivery room the moment Carsten was born Thank you for never giving up on me Thank you for letting me be myself Thank you for standing by me
Most of all, thank you for being one of the greatest friends a sister could ask for. I love you so much! Happy Birthday Marissa!
PS: Isn't she beautiful? This was just a quick snapshot after some family photos the other day.... Love her!
Ten days ago, my little sister went through the most agonizing thirty hours of her life and God blessed the world with baby Carsten. We have been on cloud nine, loving on our newest nephew. My sister allowed me in the room seconds after the delivery of baby and so I was able to document those precious moments. Those photos are for them, something special that they can remember for the rest of their lives. It was honestly amazing to see back on film. Last week, we were also able to spend some time taking his newborn portraits. I want to save most of them for her to show off and to keep as a surprise for her birth announcements. For now, enjoy this little man. He is so cute -- perfect lips and a full head of hair! We just love him!
My sister purchased this hat long before Carsten arrived, so we had to use it in his portraits... Is he amazing or what?