Fridays are for Fun

 Well here we are friends: Friday once again. Looking back, the week has been just great:

*Went to Costco and only ate one sample. I'd say that deserves a victory lap.

*Not to talk about the weather, but it was amazing this week.

*Spoiled on Saturday night by some good friends. They took us to dinner, we talked for hours, and left so encouraged. Their generosity and kindness inspires us.

*The church office was closed this week because of some construction, which meant Kenny was home working. Best.Week.Ever!

*Loved working with this sweet couple last weekend.

*Captured Nicole on Sunday at her family's ranch. Anytime I am with her family, it just feels like home. (Although don't get the idea that I'm a country girl: The only time I've ever rode horseback was on a girl scout trip in third grade)

*Yes, I was a girl scout for a year in elementary school; mostly because I love their cookies.

*Watched the sunset multiple times this week. Northern California is a great place to be right now.

*On the other hand, discovered many spiders in or around my house this week. That's not good. Not good at all. I was about to move back to Portland, but then Kenny called pest control.

*And bought some new books last weekend. I admit it, I'm a reader. It is one of my favorite pastimes.

Well, wedding season officially starts tomorrow: And we couldn't be more excited! Have a great weekend everyone!

Lots of Love, K and K