Dear Parker

Dear Parker,

You are three months old today. Three months ago, my life changed forever. Three months ago, I held you for the first time. I felt your little heartbeat near mine. And I still can't believe it.

I will never forget the three days we spent holding you, praying for your future, wondering if you would be our son.

I will never forget the hospital waiting rooms, riding the elevator up to the fourth floor, every day, so many times.

I will never forget your birth parents. They are the most brave people I've ever met. We love them deeply.

I will never forget the nurses, especially the ones in the nursery. They took such good care of you and welcomed us in.

I will never forget the kindness of our family:  On Wednesday morning we walked into a waiting room full of support. Most of them driving lengths to be with us, no matter what.

I will never forget holding hands with Kenny as we walked into the hospital for the last time. This time, to hear the best news of our life.

I will never forget signing the adoption paperwork, in the nursery, late in the evening.

And I will never forget walking out of the hospital in the rain, with you; a new life awaiting us all.

There's days when I still can't believe it. Your story. Our story. God bringing it all together to create something beautiful. Our little family of three. As I finish writing this, I am holding you in my arms and can't even begin to express how humbled I am to be your mom. It's a gift.

I love you more than you might ever know.

Parker William Stone, you are the sweetest.