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Happy National Adoption Day

I am the type of person who moves through life with caution. I want to be sure that the decisions we make are well thought out, and typically feel safe. I usually don't make a move, until I hear God shout at me...

And even though I naturally lean this way, God always seems to quietly weave dreams into my heart, that challenge my comfort and sometimes don't make sense.

That's what adoption was for me.

Our adoption journey was, to date, the most amazing and spiritually intense experience of my life. I felt deeply close to God throughout the process. Just the other day, I was reading through my  journal from that time:  I couldn't believe all of the things I felt and learned. Moments of deep grief, when God would close one door, followed by moments of great anticipation for what God was about to do, mixed in with moments of real chaos and fear. Truly, a roller coaster of a journey, that kept me very close to God.

I think these are the kind of moments we should chase in life.

And then, unlike a lot of stories in our life, our adoption story ended, and we got to see the different pieces of the journey come together and make perfect sense. God was writing a beautiful, redemptive story, and He was perfectly piecing together our family here on earth. There is nothing more satisfying to our soul, than being able to look back and see that both the pain and joy had great purpose in our life.

We trust God deeper because it is almost as if we could see His thought process.

Yesterday was National Adoption Day. There is so much to celebrate, and at the same time, so much work to be done. I feel the tension...

My friend shared this quote the other day.

"We need to err on the side of action because we tend to default to negligence. So many won't do anything unless they hear a voice from heaven telling them precisely what to do. Why not default to action until you hear a voice from heaven telling you to wait? For example, why not assume you should adopt unless you hear a voice telling you not to? Wouldn't that seem more biblical since God has told us that true religion is to care for orphans and widows (James 1:27)?" -Francis Chan

So let's not wait for God to shout at us. We have a great opportunity to bring hope and love to children. God can use you and in the process your life will be deeply changed.

Thank you God for sweet Parker. We can't imagine our life without him.  Thank you God for Parker's birthparents. They are so courageous. Thank you God for including us in this story. We're incredibly blessed.


Happy Birthday Parker

One year ago today, I met you.

I actually first saw you through the windows of the nursery. Your birth-dad invited me in and let me hold you: A moment I will never forget. You had the sweetest face. And I think you even gave me a half smile. I helped the nurses bathe you for the first time. You hardly cried and stole my heart.

I sat in the nursery everyday and held you when I could. While I didn't know if you would be our child, I knew I loved you. I knew you were one special little boy. And I knew that if God gave me the chance to be your Mom, it would be a dream come true.

Three days later, I walked into the nursery one last time. Kenny and I held hands and we nearly ran to your cradle. We picked you up and held on tight. And then we cried. For you. For us. For your birthparents. They had asked us to adopt you.

Parker, adoption is the hardest decision anyone can ever make. It is full of great sacrifice and the deepest love. We hope you always know that. Your birthparents are heroes.

For the very first time, that evening, we got to call you family, you were our son. And that was the best moment of our lives. We never dreamed God would write a story this amazing and let us be a part of it. You are such a gift.

I am so grateful for the chance to be your Mom.

Happy, Happy Birthday sweet boy! I know you are only one, but your life has already touched a lot of people. There are great things ahead and I can't wait to see them unfold for you.

We love you Parker William. We love you so much. Happy 1st Birthday!!

7.5 months

We are seven and a half months into our life as a family of three.And not a day goes by, that I don't feel reassured, with all my heart, that adoption was the perfect thing for us.

Adoption ushered us into parenthood, with the most beautiful gift of Parker. Adoption extended our family, with Parker's birthparents and their families as well. It's quite amazing. Adoption took our breath away. Looking Parker's birthparents in the eyes, as they entrusted us with their son, is the most humbling, bittersweet, miraculous, and breathtaking thing that has ever happened to us. Adoption is a beautiful exchange of trust. Adoption is exciting. Adoption is complicated. Adoption is life giving. Adoption has stirred my heart; to dream about what God will do with our future. Because whether we admit it or not, adoption is needed.

In our country alone, there are more than 400,000 children in foster care. Over 100,00 children are waiting to be adopted today; waiting to be loved for the rest of their life.

At the end of the day, adoption is a gift to us, more than anyone else. It has given us perspective, brought us to our knees, and impacted our understanding of love. Adoption has changed our lives forever.

join us

As most of you know, we love adoption! We are so thankful for the many organizations that support orphans and birth parents, and provide resources for families looking to adopt. Adoption is beautiful and life changing.

For anyone who has ever invested in our work, we want you to know that you were a part of a bigger story. Because of you, we were able to adopt our son, Parker. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Thank you so much.

For our future clients, we want you to know that 5 percent of every dollar you spend, will go towards adoption and orphan ministries. We are very excited about this!

So will you join us? Join us in loving orphans around the world. Join us as we give to something bigger than ourselves. We can't wait to see what happens! K and K and P




Dear Parker

Dear Parker,

You are three months old today. Three months ago, my life changed forever. Three months ago, I held you for the first time. I felt your little heartbeat near mine. And I still can't believe it.

I will never forget the three days we spent holding you, praying for your future, wondering if you would be our son.

I will never forget the hospital waiting rooms, riding the elevator up to the fourth floor, every day, so many times.

I will never forget your birth parents. They are the most brave people I've ever met. We love them deeply.

I will never forget the nurses, especially the ones in the nursery. They took such good care of you and welcomed us in.

I will never forget the kindness of our family:  On Wednesday morning we walked into a waiting room full of support. Most of them driving lengths to be with us, no matter what.

I will never forget holding hands with Kenny as we walked into the hospital for the last time. This time, to hear the best news of our life.

I will never forget signing the adoption paperwork, in the nursery, late in the evening.

And I will never forget walking out of the hospital in the rain, with you; a new life awaiting us all.

There's days when I still can't believe it. Your story. Our story. God bringing it all together to create something beautiful. Our little family of three. As I finish writing this, I am holding you in my arms and can't even begin to express how humbled I am to be your mom. It's a gift.

I love you more than you might ever know.

Parker William Stone, you are the sweetest.

a beautiful beginning

I have tried to finish this post for days. I think I finally realized that it may never be fully finished. It is a journey so complex and emotional and amazing, that I know there will always be more to remember. So for now, this is our story on paper:

Three weeks ago, our life changed. Forever.

Three weeks ago, we met Parker's birthparents. Three weeks ago, we sat across a picnic table from two people, who would ultimately make the most courageous and selfless decision of their lives, in trusting us to raise their beautiful son.

Our lives collided with two people, (who we will call Joe and Krista), in a story that became the last chapter of this adoption journey.

We first heard from Joe on Parker's due date. It was an email through our blog. He shared a small bit of their story, with no promises of adoption. However, as we exchanged emails, we all felt compelled to meet.

You should also know that we were in Oregon, when he emailed. Joe and Krista live in Oregon, so our first meeting was a miracle in itself.

Our meeting was brief, but overwhelming. Joe and Krista had been through so much. Sadly, Oregon DHS was involved in their lives, threatening to take their son into custody the minute he was born. And so they were desperate for a better answer. Desperate to give their child a more certain future, yet completely torn over the thought of not raising their son. Adoption was not their first choice.

Their story left us heartbroken. Heartbroken for them, for all of their pain. Heartbroken for the choices that they would have to make.

We returned to Chico, not knowing what Joe and Krista would choose. There had been no commitment to an adoption plan, only a commitment to choose us, if they were to make a plan.

It left us confused, not knowing what our role was, but sensing that God had brought us all together. With Krista's due date past, we knew that every day mattered. So we prayed with more intensity than I have ever known. We prayed for clarity.

As we sorted through our thoughts, we decided that we would definitely support Joe and Krista, no matter what. We felt called to do that. We also realized that this would mean driving back to Oregon, with a lot of unknowns.

So on Monday, April 8th, when we received the call that Krista had gone into labor, we drove north. We had no idea what we would face. They had asked us to come, but not to the hospital.

And then, late that evening, we received a text that they wanted us to visit them.

This invitation led to the next eighteen hours at the hospital. Kenny and Joe would go for walks, while I sat with Krista in the early hours of her labor. We paced the halls. We prayed. And we all stayed by each other's side as if we had been friends for years. As Krista progressed into harder labor and throughout her three and a half hours of pushing, I remained next to her.

At this point, we still had no idea what would happen with Parker. They  had dreams of parenting. And we just hung onto God -- knowing He had called us here.

Parker was born via C section at 2:15pm on April 9th. The Oregon DHS arrived at the hospital at 4:00pm on that day.

The news wasn't good for Joe and Krista: On what should have been one of the happiest days of their life, there was great sadness. Grief over the reality that they would not walk out of the hospital as a family. Grief over the fact that they would have to make the hardest decision of their life, in the next two and a half days.

Parker would either go into foster care for many months, while Joe and Krista walked through a grueling process to fight for their parenting rights. or Parker would be adopted by us.

And so our prayers became prayers for peace. That whatever Joe and Krista decided, they would have peace to move through all of this. We knew either choice was going to be hard.

For the next three days, we stayed at or near the hospital. We would spend time with Joe and Krista. We would spend time with Parker; seeing him as their son. Some of our family members came down to support us --  which helped more than we could have imagined.

There were times of great peace and strength for us. And there were times of exhaustion and sadness. It was very hard.

It was hard to see the overwhelming grief of Joe and Krista. It was hard to imagine Parker going home with a stranger. It was hard to trust God, no matter what.

On Friday afternoon, Krista asked me to come to her room. She was in her clothes, standing near the bed. All I remember is hugging one another right away. We held onto each other and cried, long hard tears. Nurses came in and out. And I will never forget the moment that Krista told me to love Parker and take care of him for the rest of my life. She asked me to be his mom.

There aren't words to describe that moment. I cry every time I think of it. Krista is a hero to me. I don't believe for a moment that I am any better of a mom than Krista -- only that our paths were at different places. I cry because I know how much she loves Parker -- enough to trust him to us. Joe and Krista are beautiful people.

The following hours were filled with great joy and sadness, all at the same time. But one thing we all had; we all had peace; deep, unchanging, peace.

I will never forget walking into the nursery one last time, this time holding Parker a bit closer, knowing he would be our son. I will never forget signing the papers to adopt Parker late that evening. I will never forget saying goodbye to Joe and Krista at the hospital.

Three weeks ago, I never imagined Parker. I didn't know his parents. I didn't know that my life would be forever changed. Changed not only by one small person, but his amazing birth parents and the road that we walked together.

Our story is not about us becoming parents, or "getting a child". It is not a story of infertility. It is God's story, in which He brought together so many pieces to create something beautiful and redemptive and miraculous.

We love Parker so much. We love Joe and Krista so much. And we believe, that although this chapter is finished, all of our relationships, our stories, are just now beginning.

And so we started this adoption journey with a dream, and through every moment of the journey, we now end with a life and perspective much bigger than we could ever imagine.

Thanks for walking with us. We have been blessed by so many of you.

Much love and gratitude, K and K and p

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parker-9-2 copy

Parker William Stone

I sit staring at our new son. He is beautiful, miraculous, and reminds us every day, that God does not miss a thing. He went before us in our adoption journey and walked with us every step of the way. He was with Parker in the womb and led Parker's parents to us. There is not an ounce of doubt in my soul, that God is real.

Parker is amazing. His story is a miracle and his birthparents, are our heroes.

One day very soon, I will share the whole story. Please stay tuned, because it might leave you speechless.

For now, we introduce you to Parker William Stone Born April 9, 2013 at 2:15pm Adopted April 12, 2013 at 8:00pm

Love is patient

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.1 Corinthians 13 

These words lined the aisle of our last wedding. Right now, it is a painful and sweet reminder of the road we are walking:

Last week, we were contacted by another birth family. It is a heartbreaking situation, and we are still very uncertain what will happen. Either way, we are called to love. We are called to take chances: To love people for who they are, not what they will do. To love without fear. This kind of love is scary, because you risk pain. Yet, that is the beauty of it: Somewhere in the risk, there is peace and joy. We stop worrying about ourselves. Deep down in our soul, we find, that this is what we were made for.

I believe this kind of love only comes from God. And I believe it is this kind of  love, that will change the world.

Here's to hoping God will give us the patience, courage and resilience to love like this. And maybe one day, our adoption story will have an ending. For all of you who are still following, thank you. K and K


Standing in the Middle

A beautiful story is never written without a beginning, middle and end.It wouldn't be complete without all three. You wouldn't want to read it.

Right now, Kenny and I are in the middle of an adoption story. We are in the trenches -- probably our least favorite part. But we have to remember that without the middle, there won't be a beautiful ending.

So every day, as we wait for news, we remember that this day is important. Today, has just as much purpose as yesterday and tomorrow. Our story doesn't just come to life at the end, it's happening right now, even if we can't see it. This part of the story matters.

The middle of this story is where character is built. It's where patience is tested. It's where our convictions grow stronger. And we know that the middle of the story, sets the stage for a brilliant ending.

 So, while our adoption journey is still being written and I can't tell you the whole story today, I promise, that someday I will. And like always, we invite you to join us as we stand in the middle, a hopeful place.

Much Love friends, K and K