Happy Birthday Parker

One year ago today, I met you.

I actually first saw you through the windows of the nursery. Your birth-dad invited me in and let me hold you: A moment I will never forget. You had the sweetest face. And I think you even gave me a half smile. I helped the nurses bathe you for the first time. You hardly cried and stole my heart.

I sat in the nursery everyday and held you when I could. While I didn't know if you would be our child, I knew I loved you. I knew you were one special little boy. And I knew that if God gave me the chance to be your Mom, it would be a dream come true.

Three days later, I walked into the nursery one last time. Kenny and I held hands and we nearly ran to your cradle. We picked you up and held on tight. And then we cried. For you. For us. For your birthparents. They had asked us to adopt you.

Parker, adoption is the hardest decision anyone can ever make. It is full of great sacrifice and the deepest love. We hope you always know that. Your birthparents are heroes.

For the very first time, that evening, we got to call you family, you were our son. And that was the best moment of our lives. We never dreamed God would write a story this amazing and let us be a part of it. You are such a gift.

I am so grateful for the chance to be your Mom.

Happy, Happy Birthday sweet boy! I know you are only one, but your life has already touched a lot of people. There are great things ahead and I can't wait to see them unfold for you.

We love you Parker William. We love you so much. Happy 1st Birthday!!