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Fridays are for Fun

This week has been a bit crazy - and that may be an understatement.

So on that note, rather than tell you all about my week; like the fact that I ate Chipotle last night at 9:30 or that Kenny picked all the weeds in our yard, I leave you with this very disturbing photo:

Apparently, at one time in my life, I thought I had good dance moves. This photo has crushed my dreams. Reality check: I should not be out on the dance floor.

And to put your mind at ease, from now on, most of our dance skills will be left at home.

Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend friends! K and K

And yes, that is a gummy bear in my hand. I try not to leave home without them ;)


Fridays are For Fun

And just like that, it is March and another week has come and gone. The last seven days held a lot of ups and downs and everything in between:

*Went for a run through the park with Kenny and Carsten on Saturday. It just so happened to be at the same time as the Bidwell Classic  (half marathon). And yes, someone definitely took our photo. So in case you ever see that photo somewhere, please know it is not true. Only  in our dreams would we ever run 13 miles :)

*Worked with this sweet couple last weekend. And yes, Jason is nearly two feet taller than me: Good thing I have a step stool. And good thing I don't have to guard him on the basketball court.

*Bought a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch on Sunday and still have some left today, which is pretty much a miracle in this house.

*Listened to this sermon online. Was convicted and inspired.

*Spent Wednesday evening having dinner with a family from our church. Gosh, people have amazing stories and big hearts. So thankful to know them.

*Still trying to convince Kenny to watch the Finale of The Bachelor with me this week. My sister will be out of town, and I certainly cannot watch it by myself. Kenny is not convinced...

*And, if we don't get news on the adoption soon, I am considering auditioning for The Amazing Race and/or going to Kauai.

*Been pretty emotional the past two weeks. I had no idea how hard this adoption journey was going to be for us. It has made me much more aware of other people's struggles and our desperate need for purpose beyond ourselves. Hoping to share more about this journey soon.

Enjoy your weekend friends. Thanks for following along on our crazy, but blessed life. Much Love, K and K

*And, in the past week I have cried way too many times on Kenny's shoulder and said things I didn't mean. I'm beyond thankful for his grace, love and patience that he shows me. Kenny, you are so amazing.


Fridays are for Fun

Well I can hardly believe I am writing another Fridays are For Fun blog post. It has been such a quick week: *Currently writing this post on Thursday evening, simply because my to-do list is that long :)

*Rode my bike for the first time this summer: I know, that may seem crazy, but if you saw my "hot-pink" bike from my teenage years, you will know why I only ride it once a year, and only at dusk. It might be time to get a new bike...

*Babysat little Carsten while my sister went to the dentist. She came home "cavity-free" and so we celebrated with a trip to Starbucks :)

*Watched The Hunger Games with Kenny last night. The plot of the book still kind of disturbs me, but I would have to say, I hardly blinked watching the movie. It was that good.

*Ate some popcorn with marshmallows while watching the movie. Yes. I did just say that and I did eat both of those things, together, at the same time.

*In denial that summer is over. I grew up in the Northwest, where Labor day weekend marked the final days of summer break. California, you may have gotten this one wrong...

*And as summer comes to a close, we both feel very grateful for all the opportunities and ways we have grown during this season.

*Like always, we are dreaming of the day that we will get back to the beach, Cannon Beach.

*Speaking of Cannon Beach, here is a fun set of photos taken right there. And yes, Kenny is definitely way nicer than me, as seen below. And yes, we still love each other a ton!

Oh dear, have a great weekend, friends! We are so excited to photograph Mitch and Amanda's wedding this weekend. Kenny will also be teaching at church on Sunday -- you are all invited :) We'd love to see you there!

Chico Wedding Photographer: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas always kind of sneaks up on me. Really. It does. I find myself wishing December were much longer because there is just so much fun to be had in preparation for Christmas. There are cards to be written, cookies to be baked, food to be eaten, gifts to be bought and wrapped, christmas carols to be sung (you wouldn't believe the kind of vocals we have ;)), parties to host and parties to attend. I know these aren't the point of Christmas, but it sure is fun! The crazy part is that we must do all of this, while living out our normal lives. I think someone should declare the entire month of December a holiday. Don't you think we should all have 31 days off of work?

I guess for now, we will all sleep a little less, eat a little more and enjoy the time that we do have with family and friends this Christmas Season.

So cheers to the start of a sweet holiday! Drink some eggnog for me and take time to savor these wonderful moments. Oh yes, and we would love to hear some of your traditions for the Christmas season. Just leave us a comment below.

Much Love friends! K and K

As for our decorating, it all started this past weekend...