Oh wow --- how is it already Friday? What happened to this week? Good thing I write these posts, they help me remember some of the great things that happen each week:
*Welcomed a new nephew into the family. Callahan Norman Jones (After Grandpa Norman) was born on Wednesday to my sweet brother and sister in law. He is so amazing. And now I can most definitely say that both my siblings have the cutest kids ever. Really, I am not sure our children stand a chance...
*Speaking of nephews, went to Carsten's first Birthday party on Saturday. Where did the time go? I really cannot believe he will be one on Monday. Carsten loved his party -- I loved his party, and we all loved my sister's homemade cupcakes.
*Stayed up way too late making a list of things to do this month. This month might be over the top crazy. But hey, that's how we roll.
*And in case we didn't quite have enough on our plate, we will also be moving. Yep, got the keys to our new "rental home" on Monday. This is really exciting for us, however, we have yet to pack one box. Anyone want to have a moving party?
*Amazed by Kenny. He is such a hard worker and serves people so well. End of story.
*Ran out of cereal before the week ended, which meant no late snacking for me last night. I'm going to have to pace myself next week.
*Didn't clean my house once. Until today. And let me tell you, it needed it.
*Welcomed a new lens into the K Stone Photo family. I get really excited when I open up the box to a brand new lens. Thank you Canon.
*Attended Will and Olivia's wedding, as guests, last Saturday night. This was such a treat. I forgot what it feels like to dress up and stay somewhat free from sweat for an entire wedding. So thankful that Will and Olivia invited us.
And we are prepping for a busy weekend. We will be photographing Rob and Jessica's wedding on Saturday and then heading to San Diego for a wedding and the Resurgence Conference early next week. So excited to pack my bags and say hello to some coastal weather.
Have a great Friday and weekend. Drink a chai tea for me :)
K and K
And proof that my brother's kids are indeed the cutest kids on the block :)