Chico California Wedding Photographer: Danny and Bridget Tease...
Ok Bridget and Danny, you two are stunning! So thankful to have captured their day this weekend... Cheers to a new week and pumpkin spice lattes!
Ok Bridget and Danny, you two are stunning! So thankful to have captured their day this weekend... Cheers to a new week and pumpkin spice lattes!
Simon and Veronika were married on one of the warmest days of the year. But that did not stop us from celebrating all day long! The wedding took place at a private residence in Chico. It was a perfect setting for a wedding with quite a few DIY components. Veronika and Simon had a vision and I believe it got carried out on this beautiful wedding day. There was a mixture of traditions and cultures and it was an absolute honor to join this celebration! Cheers to the newlyweds!
Dear Simon: You are awesome -- there are so many things that Kenny and I loved about working with you!
The first look...
The ceremony was in the front yard of the private residence and just perfect for their day...
I loved this view of Veronika with her Dad and then immediately following the ceremony, Simon and Veronika began to dance as the Mariachi band played...
Let's be honest, don't you love this ring bear and flower girl?
We went offsite for a a few more portraits...
As soon as we returned, the Mariachi band greeted us...
Just one more reason why we loved this party...
The details were amazing -- I could have photographed them for hours...
The evening ended with toasts and so much dancing!
Does a look between a Father and Daughter get much sweeter? I think I will end here...
Have a great weekend everyone! We are excited to capture another sweet wedding day tomorrow!
We all have stories to tell, every one of us. They are things that have shaped us and made us who we are. This is what I try to do with my work, give the world a glimpse of your story. And so meet Ashley. Her story is beautiful. It is full of great things and the most difficult of challenges. And today, she shines because God has changed her life. As I looked at these photos, what I love most is the way that the light reflected onto Ashley, and made her absolutely shine. Because really, this is what she does each day as she lives her life -- and she is making a huge difference in this world.
Much Love Ashley! You are beautiful!
She is so full of joy!
Just stunning...
And every now and then, I make my clients laugh...
Cheers to Tuesday night!
Dear Kenny, Well, you are twenty nine today. I have known you exactly ten years this month and it has been the sweetest of my life. Thank you for who you are Stone.
Thank you for getting up every morning, with so much joy and working so hard for our family Thank you for never complaining about my poor cooking skills Thank you for always making me laugh Thank you for cleaning the shower each week, because you know it is not my favorite Thank you for listening Thank you for leading me Thank you for your patience Thank you for watching 27 Dresses with me way too many times in the past three years Thank you for giving up so many Saturdays to photograph weddings with me Thank you for your creativity Thank you for your courage Thank you for letting me hear your jokes over and over again because secretly I like them Thank you for our impromptu dates to Starbucks, that end up being unforgettable Thank you for all of your encouragement Thank you for all of your cuteness (not sure you want to be called that, but I adore you) Thank you for texting me from across the gym, just to tell me I like cute on the treadmill Thank you for your friendship Thank you for your strength Thank you for holding my hand on the Tower of Terror at Disneyland because I was truly scared Thank you for protecting me and making sure all of the doors are locked at night Thank you for pushing me when I want to give up Thank you for dreaming with me
Mostly, thank you for loving God so much, for running after Him, and putting Him first in all you do. You have changed my life for the better, thank you for loving me.
I love you Stone! Happy 29th birthday to my favorite person in the whole world!
One of my all time favorite photos of Kenny, with our niece Adelaide...
Well, to say that I have neglected the blog, might be an understatement. I wish it wasn't, but indeed it is. This summer has been a whirlwind. I have been working really hard to finish all of my editing, to order and package and deliver photos. In the midst of this, I have finished my office (photos on that next week), and of course, my head is always whirling with so many new ideas. Good thing I have a husband to remind me that there are only twenty four hours in a day. Because of these things, there are stories left untold on this blog and I am so sorry. While I have been busy, I have to admit that sometimes, the reason the blog is neglected, is my own insecurity. I am not sure why I feel this way: Perhaps it is because this industry is so personal -- this is my work that I am showcasing, and the fact that it can be critiqued or loved, is very unnerving for me. If I don't put my work on the blog, then there is nothing to critique, but then, there is also nothing to love.
And so I am learning: True love involves vulnerability. It takes courage. Yet we feel loved the most as we are known and understood and accepted.
As I understand this more and more, I hope it will change my life and my business.
And speaking of a beautiful story: This is my lovely sister. She will have her first child, a baby boy, in the beginning of October. I am so proud of her -- she exudes virtue and strength. I love you sister. You are a stunning Mom -- does pregnancy get more beautiful than this?
I would love to show you more of little Ella, but the afternoon slipped away from me and I am running out to an engagement session. I couldn't resist showing you at least one photo of little Ella -- Is she adorable or what? Pretty sure this will make anyone smile!
At seven weeks old, baby Sicily is too sweet. I think what I love most is her cheeks. They are just squeezable! If you saw her Dad, you would know how much they look alike. It is quite amazing. These are just a few photos of Sicily -- as we only had time for a quick session.Baby Sicily you are so happy! Cheers to this adorable girl!
I am off to meet with the bride and groom for this weekends wedding! And later... I will be watching Survivor and eating a bowl of popcorn. Oh, I can't wait!
You may remember this sweet photo from a tease...
Sometimes I get the chance to meet with my clients before their session. Natalie was one of them. We met later on a Thursday night and as she began to tell me her vision for her senior photos, I knew, in that moment, that this was going to be good. She is an AP student, very involved in school and I can tell, she is adored by her peers. Natalie is a natural leader and she is stunning. And the best part, she rocked her senior photos -- in her heels! Thank you so much Natalie. You are so sweet -- and I loved working with you!
Yes, this is her car -- she restored the entire thing!
Love it!
Meet Kira -- she is so beautiful -- and has a voice to match that beauty. Over the last year, I have heard her sing a few times, and she is simply amazing! I am so glad to work with Kira. It was early in the morning when I photographed her, but her session quickly became the highlight of my day. Kira, thank you so much! Thank you for your joy and for showing so many qualities of your self in these photos. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you!
Kira: Your eyes are stunning!
Thank you for laughing with me (or perhaps at me...)
I cannot believe it is Thursday. What happened to this week? If you wondered where I have been, I have been in my office, editing like a crazy woman all week long. This may explain my lack of blogs posts. Not to worry though -- in between all of my editing, I did manage to make dinner two nights in a row (quite the accomplishment for this girl), and watch American Idol last night... Who are you rooting for? And the tease of today: For those of you who know Janee, I think you would agree, she is among the sweetest persons on earth!
Meet sweet baby girl, Sicily! Her name is just as precious as she is. I had the chance to photogragh this little one a week or so ago, and realized that I never posted a tease... Enjoy her cuteness! I can't say it enough -- thank you! Thank you for cheering me on and thank you for being a part of my life. To my clients: You are the best, the absolute best!