Chico Photographer: Baby Dylan
Dear Dylan, You are one now. That was a very quick year. I can hardly believe how fast you are growing. There are so many cute things about you -- although, I am not sure that your Dad would want me to call you cute. You are one handsome boy! Thank you Leah and Yancey for letting me be a part of your lives. I have gotten to know you over the past year and consider you friends. You are so kind to Kenny and I. Thank you so much! So cheers to Dylan's first birthday! He is so awesome!
Much Love, K and K
He has had a full head of hair since the very beginning! Pretty amazing stuff!
I am pretty sure he was laughing here -- but I love this expression! It kind of sums up how we all feel sometimes.
Definitely walking now...
And while this last frame doesn't show you his cute face, I really love it. Pure happiness between a Mom and her son!