Filtering by Category: Wordless Wednesday

Open Hands

This post was originally published last year, but with a new year and new season upon us, I wanted to share it again because it encompasses so much of what we believe:

Not one of our lives is the same.

No one else will have the very same experiences as you. No one else will influence the exact same people as you. No one else will get the same opportunities or face the same trials. No one else will be in the exact same place and time. The combination of your personality, abilities and talents is yours alone. No one else will make the same mistakes. No one else will learn the very same lessons. And not one other person will tell the same story as you.

So live your life with open hands, accepting all that God has given you. Don't spend your time wishing you were someone else or comparing yourself to the people around you. Take your chances and opportunities and challenges; take your gifts and heartaches and experiences; take it all, unafraid to get messy along the way, and write a story that no one else will ever get the chance to write.

And yes, I love these hands of our sweet nephew Benjamin...

Chico Wedding Photographer: Wordless Wednesday, Almost...

Well in between editing, a dentist appointment (apparently I still have wisdom teeth and a cavity) and just the normal work day, I managed to get a lot done. Except this blog post. So please forgive me, as Wordless Wednesday saved me once again. But really, who doesn't want to see another photo of this stunning couple? And hear about my dentist appointment?

Happy Wednesday friends! You are half way through this work week :)

Worldess Wednesday: He's the Best

He's the best -- simply the best... I found this photo today. It is from a Stone family outing this past summer. There were about ten of us and this photo is taken at an arcade. Why yes, we still like to venture into bowling alleys and arcades for a little bit of "family fun" every once in awhile :)

Anyway, I love his smile in this photo: It is so "him"! If you haven't met Kenny yet, you should know he is pretty outgoing and full of energy. He rarely worries and doesn't complain. He loves life, living for the present, not the past or future. I wish I could be more like him.

Well, once again, Wednesday's post certainly turned out to have words, but I can't help it. Too much to say about Stone. He is awesome!

Have a great evening everyone!

Chico Wedding Photography: Creating Memories Together

Well, we may have escaped real life for a couple days. And it was just what we needed. Kenny has been working long hours right now with ministry, while I have been trying to catch up from our busy January. So when we were given the opportunity to take two days off in a row, we took it. And we knew we wanted to get away.

We packed up our little CRV and headed to the mountains. We had never seen Tahoe, never rode a gondola together and never stayed in a cabin burrowed into the forest (Many thanks to our friends who let us stay for free). We ate gummy worms by the fire and shoveled the snow off the driveway. We got up early to capture something beautiful and sang to Maroon Five as we drove around the lake. We dreamed about staying for weeks and skiing for days. We laughed about how I get cold way too easily.

And at the end of the day, I have a bunch of new memories tucked away. The best kind. Because they are us, together.

So even though life is crazy, take time to create memories with the ones you love. These kind of adventures, while sometimes unexpected, make you realize how blessed you are to share life with people who love you.

Just a couple photos from our little trip...

And brilliant creations like this, stop us in our tracks. God is so powerful to create something this majestic!

Our self portrait inside the Gondola... LOVE this man!

And there you go Honda, proof that your 1997 CRV is still going strong! Not sure why we took this picture, but let's just say those mountains make our car look good :)

Chico Wedding Photographer: Wordless Wednesday

As an artist, there are photos that captivate me, and words just don't seem fitting. It might be the beauty of emotion between two people. It might be the way that the photo was taken, or the story in someone's eyes. And sometimes, it might be that the moment captured, seems too quiet for words. Whatever it is, these photos are often the ones that get hung in my office or remembered for a long time. They are photos that I am drawn to and sometimes I can't even tell you why. I just am. So on most Wednesdays of the month, I will post a photo with hardly a written word.

And here is to my first wordless Wednesday post. Because sometimes a photo is simply enough.

Oh yes, and this entire wedding will be blogged later this week...