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I first discovered photography in high school. It was a beginners class my sophomore year, which propelled into many more classes. By my senior year, I would spend hours in the darkrooms. Our instructor pushed us, let us fail, and taught us so much about photography. It was in this classroom, that God first placed a dream in my heart: I wanted to photograph people, I wanted to be a part of telling great stories.

So I applied to a college with an excellent photography program. And the dreams grew bigger. Yet all the while, something in my heart felt unsettled. As I wrestled with that, I discovered that God had different plans for me: Plans to attend a small college with no photography program. Sometimes when you follow God, things don't make sense. And so I walked away from a dream, never once forgetting it.

In school, I studied communications, had some amazing opportunities, and met Kenny. We got married a few weeks after graduation. Kenny worked for the church, while I worked as a guidance counselor in a high school.

And then, five and a half years ago, I picked up my camera and started to shoot again. A dream came back to life, and this time, I had the best person in the world beside me, Kenny.

Next month, marks the start of our fifth wedding season: We've learned so much. We've taken a lot of risks. There have been moments of failure. Followed by great moments too. Together, we have photographed over 65 weddings. We've worked really hard. We've met the most amazing people. And shared in some beautiful stories.

But mostly, we've seen God take a dream that began twelve years ago, and bring it full circle, only this time, making it better.

I believe that God places things in our hearts that He fully intends to see happen. Most of the time, the journey will test our patience, our resilience and our character. Yet, the end result will be inspiring, as God pieces together the things that never made sense, to create a dream that is better than we could ever imagine.

We pray we will always have the courage to follow God, especially when it seems hardest. Much Love Friends, K and K

And just this week, we launched our fresh website. Feel free to see it here.

Standing in the Middle

A beautiful story is never written without a beginning, middle and end.It wouldn't be complete without all three. You wouldn't want to read it.

Right now, Kenny and I are in the middle of an adoption story. We are in the trenches -- probably our least favorite part. But we have to remember that without the middle, there won't be a beautiful ending.

So every day, as we wait for news, we remember that this day is important. Today, has just as much purpose as yesterday and tomorrow. Our story doesn't just come to life at the end, it's happening right now, even if we can't see it. This part of the story matters.

The middle of this story is where character is built. It's where patience is tested. It's where our convictions grow stronger. And we know that the middle of the story, sets the stage for a brilliant ending.

 So, while our adoption journey is still being written and I can't tell you the whole story today, I promise, that someday I will. And like always, we invite you to join us as we stand in the middle, a hopeful place.

Much Love friends, K and K


Typically when I run, I want the easy path. When I workout, I want to feel the least amount of pain. I want to listen to really good music, and be as comfortable as possible, while still getting some healthy, measurable results. And I am pretty sure this is how I feel about life: I would love an easy path. I want to be somewhat comfortable. I want to accomplish great things, but not feel too much pain. And I would love to know that everything is under control.

But this is not real life. At least it's not my real life. And I know, deep down, that this is for the better.

My journey right now, is a bit messy. I'm in the middle of a story that is going to be beautiful, but I would say that's hard to see, because I don't know the ending. Kenny and I have had a lot happen in the last two weeks, especially with the adoption. Every day, seems to be a different story, which for this girl, means a lot of different emotions, all the time. I have absolutely no control over what is going to happen in this story. And it seems kind of crazy at times. Some days are harder than others. But one thing I know:

I have to walk by faith.

I'll run the hills and the valleys and the things in between, and I will try to trust God. It's hard to do, but it's what we are supposed to do. At the end of the day it's His story, not mine. I really believe this.

So, here's to a good pair of running shoes and a lot of hope. And once again, feel free to join us. The run is always better and a bit easier with friends beside you.

Much Love, K and K

Portland Photographer: Katie

Sometimes you don't realize how long you've known a person, because they just feel like family. You don't realize what a special thing it is to have a friend for over thirteen years. And then there are the kind of people who you just know, no matter what, they are going to love you. You can be one hundred percent yourself, let your guard down, and they will still be your friend.

There are the kind of people in life who don't hesitate to sacrifice for others. Who won't leave this world untouched by their love for Jesus and unending compassion for people.

And this is Katie. She is that kind of person,

I am so, so thankful for her.

Katie is also a photographer based in Portland. She is so talented and it is SO nice to have a friend in the industry. Her husband, Branden, spoke at our winter retreat last weekend, and so we were able to catch up and take photos...

Katie, you are beautiful, inside and out.

Love you so much friend!

Merry Christmas love the stones

Well, we are here: Twenty Hours of travel, in a roundabout way A stop in Seattle A brother singing the national anthem in front of 64,000 people Standing in the pouring down rain to cheer for the Seahawks Three last minute trips to Target Nail Polish exploding in your suitcase A good cry just because Torn hearts because we can't be in two places at once Lots of amazing food, and sugar and coffee Driving through a snow storm at 1:00 in the morning Laughing out loud at 2:00 in the morning because we are still in the car

And sleeping through your alarm clock because it's officially Christmas break.

Here we are, together for Christmas in Almira, blessed to be with the Stones. Life is sweet; And the memories have just begun...

So we are signing off, because we can and because we should. And I hope you do too.

May you have an amazing Christmas with your family and friends. We can't thank you enough for being a part of our lives.

Merry Christmas friends! Much Love, Kenny and Kimberly

Some Very Exciting News...

We believe In God, the Creator of the Universe.

We believe That He created all of us for relationship. With Him and with each other.

We believe That families are a big part of that.

We believe That no child should be without a family.

We believe That God has called us to be a part of making that happen.

And so we are embarking on another great adventure, the journey to adopt a child, into our family, as part of our family. We are excited and nervous. We have a lot of joy and peace. We can hardly wait.

As God weaves together this story, it could be a little crazy, but it will be perfect. We will welcome baby Stone and his/her birthparents into our lives with open arms and hearts . And we invite you to be a part that: Feel free to join in this story with us as we share news along the way.

Thank you so very much for being a part of our lives. Much Love, K and K

Back in the Office with some great memories in our pocket

If you are wondering what we were up to for Thanksgiving, mostly this: Time with family and cuddling our sweet nephews and nieces. Its so easy to take family for granted, but when you only see them once or twice a year, you just have to stop and soak up each moment. And that's what we tried to do.

So here's to a busy week back in the office with a lot of editing and catch up. Putting work on hold for these amazing moments -- we wouldn't trade it for the world.

Oh yes, and in case you are wondering, we did eat some amazing food for Thanksgiving. It's the one time a year that I try to be domestic :)

And this is our newest member of the "Jones" family: Sweet Callahan. Isn't he amazing?

Happy Thanksgiving

Well the family has landed and on their way to Chico as I write this. This Thanksgiving, Kenny and I are so grateful.

Grateful to have each other. Grateful for our families.

We feel blessed. Blessed to work with so many amazing people. Blessed to see crazy things happen, as we trust God with our life.

We realize that every day is a gift. And we never want to take that for granted.

And so we are thankful. Thankful for the little things like chai tea and a warm bed. Thankful for the huge things like the God's incredible love and grace. We are spoiled. And don't deserve any of this.

So as we turn off our work to spend time with family, we just want to say thank you. To our clients and friends, thank you for pouring into our lives. We don't deserve any of this.

Happy Thanksgiving! Much, much Love,

K and K



Words. They are so powerful and have the ability to change our lives.

And then there are names, the kind of words that when you hear them, you remember someone's story; a legacy that will be etched in your mind forever.

And that's how I feel about the name, Ezra.

We photographed Tim and Michelle last month. They are so sweet. Joy and kindness and love oozes from their souls. When we photographed them, they were expecting their first child, a little boy.

And just like that, their lives were changed forever.

Ezra came into this world, stillborn, two weeks ago. I still want to cry as I write this because it is so sad: I just can't imagine walking through this, as they are. And yet, I want to write this, because Ezra's life was not in vain. I want Tim and Michelle to know that their son has made a huge difference in this world. Their pain is not wasted in any way, at all.

Just like his little name means "help", Ezra has helped us. He has helped us remember that life is short, that nothing is guaranteed. His story tells us that what we do with today, how we spend our time, matters. It matters a lot. We live in the illusion of comfort and stability, yet at any moment our lives could change.

And so we are called to live with, and for a purpose. Just like Ezra.

At the end of the day, all of our lives will point to something. Ezra's tiny little frame and perfect story brought attention to the God of the Universe. It brought attention to the only thing that matters.

Thank you Ezra, for leaving a legacy that points to something so much bigger than yourself. Thank you Tim and Michelle for being used by God. In the midst of incredible heartache, you are making a difference in this world. Please know that.

Ezra, your name will never be forgotten. Every time we hear it, we will be reminded of you. We will remember that each day, God's glory is at stake and so there is no time to waste.

We love you Tim, Michelle and baby Ezra.

Chico Wedding Photographer: 58 Years

This past weekend, we attended a family reunion, with 28 of us. And it all started with these two.

We are so blessed to be a part of Grandpa and Grandma's family. They are legacy makers. Together, they have made such a big difference in this world.

58 years Married Five kids Eight Spouses Nine grandchildren One Fiance Three Great-Grandchildren. One incredible story.

Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma, for how much you have changed the world. Thank you for loving us all unconditionally. Thank you for the thousands of sacrifices you have made for all of us. Thank you for being so generous. Thank you for years of memories. Thank you for being so funny. Thank you for showing us what matters most in life. Thank you for loving us through the good and the challenges. Most of all, thank you for loving each other well. Because of you, we are family.

Much Love and Gratitude from the 26 of us!

What's Really Important

I keep telling myself, it won't always be this way. But at the end of the day, I have to make a choice. Work will always beckon me. Whatever it is, there will always be one or one hundred more things to do. And yet work is not the point of my life. It doesn't define me. and every day no matter how hard I work, there will always be more. So I guess today's blog post is a reminder to myself to never forget what is really important in life.

Kenny attended a funeral today. The man was a husband, a dad to teenagers. He loved God and his story is just beginning. And its true for me too. This is just a glimpse of eternity. I am living for so much more than what I do. The bigger picture, brings me out of the piles of "to do" lists. I want to know that at the end of my life, I listened to God and followed Him to the best of my ability. That's all.

So there's a few of my thoughts -- my motivational speech to myself :) I don't want to be known for my work. I want to be known for my God, the miracle worker and best thing that ever happened to me.

I hope some of this resonates with you today.

And because these two are just as cute as all get-out... Hope to share the rest of their engagement session so soon.

Fridays are for Fun.

Right now, Kenny and I are working a lot. Just some longer days, but don't worry, we love our jobs. The only thing I have been considering is hiring an assistant just so that I have someone to talk with each day :) In the midst of our hard work, we did manage to have a little fun this week:

*Thanks to my sister and her family we had an impromptu date last night to Jon and Bons for some frozen yogurt. Nothing like being with the family and eating some ice-cream. Is it weird that I mix chocolate peanut butter granola with tart frozen yogurt?

*Kenny and I have been running together a couple days a week. It has become one of my new favorite things -- we get in great visits and sport ourselves as "runners", although we know that is far from the truth. Thankfully I have a hubby who makes me think I am athletic :)

*We celebrated the birthday of our good friend Bryce this week! So lucky to be friends with their family. As a side note, Kenny and I spent about twenty minutes picking out a card for Bryce at Target. Did you know they have an entire aisle of "funny" cards. Let's just say I may have laughed out loud quite a few times in the middle of Target. Good thing Kenny was beside me.

*Ok and confession of the week, I got hooked on the Bachelorette. Emily's story is just amazing and so while I told myself I wouldn't watch this season, I couldn't help it. Here's to hoping she will pick a good husband. I already know who I am rooting for...

So cheers to Friday. We all need to laugh and dream and enjoy these sweet summer days.

Oh, and I also have been finishing putting together our bedroom decor. This is one of the fun little things that I purchased at The Address this month:

Happy Weekend! We'd love to hear about your plans and what you did for fun this week!

Chico Wedding Photographer: Time

Time. Our time is precious because it is so short. Isn't that true?

And so there is one thing I have learned about time: that the way we use it matters. How I spend the moments of my day, matters. The purpose for which I live my life, matters. And how I use the gifts and resources that God has blessed me with, matter.

Because at the end of the day, I believe my time is made for a purpose much greater than myself. I want people to see God working crazy miracles in our life. I want to love well and live with few regrets as possible. I don't want to waste my time.

And I pray that you will live a full life as well.

Much Love friends! We are excited to spend this weekend photographing two amazing weddings! There will be much to come!

K and K

Chico Wedding Photographer: 7 Years

Yesterday we celebrated seven years of marriage. So crazy to think that life moves this quickly. And in seven years of this amazing, unpredictable adventure, we have learned so much. We have learned that expectations will only let us down. We have learned that morning breath is a true reality, no matter how pretty we think we are... (sorry friends) We have learned to share: bank accounts, rooms, cars, food and chores. We have learned that being together is way better than being alone. We have learned how to compromise. We have learned to make mistakes and find grace. We have learned that perception is hardly reality. We have seen after six moves in seven years that we can live nearly anywhere (ok, maybe...?) We have learned to love our quirks. We have learned to laugh over spilled milk. We have learned that In N Out truly serves the best fast food burger, and fries. We have learned that forgiveness is daily. We have seen that not everyone thinks we are very funny, but we still think we are :) We have learned to be unafraid of risk, because that's where God stretches us most. We have seen that married people really do start to look alike. We have learned to appreciate our family now, more than ever. We have learned how to disagree, and are still trying to figure out the art of conflict. We have learned that chai tea will always be our drink of choice. We have learned that cereal is always best in the late night hours. We have learned a lot. We still have a lot to learn.

And today, we are learning to love, better and more sacrificially as God changes us. Our hearts are grateful for seven years.

And because we have been taking a photo each year, in the same spot, here is this year's self portrait. (which certainly proves that our self portrait work is not improving:))

Oh yes, and thanks to the Stone family for sending these beautiful flowers! What a treat!

Chico Wedding Photographer: Finding Balance

Our life can seem crazy at times. There are moments when I have to take deep breaths and remember that we chose this. We choose to do ministry one hundred percent and own a wedding photography business. We choose to stay up later than we should or say yes to one more thing. We choose to go all out, wanting desperately to make a difference in this world. And then there are the moments where God slows us down. Because in it all, we have to choose balance.

We have to choose not to set our alarms in the morning and to walk a lot slower than normal. I have to choose to let the house stay dirty one more day, because people are more important.

So when we take a day off, you can know that we are busy choosing not to be busy. We are busy making breakfast burritos for dinner, because I am too lazy to make anything else. We are busy catching up on sports and the latest episode of The Firm. We go for walks that last for hours and get Frappucinos for half off, because who wouldn't want that? We choose to go to Costco together and pick out our latest craving, (which is usually Cheezits). We are busy dreaming of the beach. We choose to read and draw or peruse the latest magazine. We choose to play cribbage like it never went out of style.

Mostly though, we just choose to be together. Because really, that's our favorite place to be.

And because so many of our memories are tucked away on instagram... here are just a few of the latest.

Chico Wedding Photographer: Moved by Love


We stood in the kitchen last night, tears streaming down our faces as we watched the following video of Ian and Larissa. Their story quieted us; I think it stunned us both and made any conflict we are facing a little less trivial. We actually didn't say much to each other after watching it, but I know we were thinking the same thing. Do we share this kind of selfless love? What kind of story is our marriage telling -- is it pointing to God?

So we share this video with you, praying it will stir your heart. Praying that our marriages and our love for one another will change the world.

Be inspired and grab some tissues friends. We would love to hear your thoughts after watching this story as well. So please feel free to share comments below.

Totally Humbled, K and K



Chico Photographer: Robert and Sarah

When Sarah wrote asking about some photos to capture this season of her life, I knew I wanted to work with her and Robert. They are dating and both will graduate from Chico State this spring. It was perfect timing for some photos. Neither of them have ever had professional photos taken, but you can't tell. They have tons of style and joy, which we definitely wanted to capture. Their passion for life was evident. They are simply wonderful people.

Robert and Sarah: Congratulations on this season of your life. You are amazing people with the world in front of you. We can't wait to see what is in store for both of you. Thanks for being new friends and giving us the opportunity to show the world your beauty.

Much Love, K and K

Dear Sarah, you are gorgeous!

Robert, you are awesome! Thanks for rocking your style for us.

And well, the two of them together are just as amazing!

Chico Wedding Photographer: Aloha

To say I don't deserve this is an understatement. Because I don't. I am sitting in Kauai right now, sun soaked and so grateful. I don't want the time to end, but like all good things, it will soon.

So we are creating the best of memories and storing them up.

Aloha from the Stones! Although we want to stay forever, we will see you back in Chico soon :)

K and K

Many thanks to my hubby's amazing self portrait skills!

Chico Photographer: Life from the Top of the Stairs

Life is full. Full of ups and downs, good days and bad. Full of both the mundane and the exciting. Full of new opportunities and opportunities to waste. And In all of this, we have a choice. A choice regarding our perspective. I have been mulling this around in my heart and mind a lot lately. And just today, God gave me this word picture as I was going upstairs.

You see, I can easily look at life from the bottom of the stairs. Sure I glance up, but what lies ahead of me seems hard -- most of the time it looks more challenging than it even is. A daunting climb for sure.

This kind of perpsective comes with fear, indecision and stagnancy. It can paralyze me and keep me from moving at all.

And yet, there is a different way to see life. We can see life from the top of the stairs. Here, things don't look quite the same, the walk is a little bit easier. We have motivation to move forward because there is an end in sight with new doors and new opportunities. We want to get down the stairs.

And because I believe in God, I believe He sees my life this way; the whole picture from the very top of the stairs. He knows what will be coming next and He promises never to leave me and even to carry me down. Life at the top of the stairs is much less paralyzing.

So these are my thoughts: I definitely believe that our perspective, makes a big difference in how we live. And as I climb up and down these stairs in my home, I will consider this word picture: Praying that my life won't be stagnant and that God will use me to do great things for Him!

Much Love friends! K