Filtering by Category: Portrait

Chico Newborn Photographer: Little C

Oh dear, this post is very, very late. Infact, I wasn't sure I would even post it. However, as I sifted through the photos of Carsten's birth, I knew they were too breathtaking not to share, even when it is five months late. Baby C was born in the middle of our busiest season. While I finished his newborn photos long ago, the photos of his birth were never completed. Until now. That is not something that I would ever do with clients, but in this case, it just kept getting pushed behind a lot of other projects. And being that it was my sister, I knew she would understand. Thank you sister, times one hundred, for all of your patience. You and your boys are the best!!

For the sake of their privacy, I am only sharing a few. But oh my gosh, it is amazing to look back on the thirty hours of labor and the joy that results. I may be biased, but he is an incredibly handsome newborn baby!

Just a few details...

The first few moments of little C's life... He didn't really cry much and he was so alert -- just checking out this new world.

Brandon was overjoyed!

All of his little features... so amazing!!

So perfect. He is a beautiful boy for sure!

Kenny and I have been concentrating mostly on weddings this year, but if you ever desire photo journalism like this, please don't hesitate to ask. It is not everyday that we get to photograph miracles and we are honored to do so :)

Chico Portrait Photographer: Senior Photos

I think we all blinked and suddenly March is here! What a crazy year it has been so far. It seems like time is going by very quickly. Either that, or I am getting older. People used to tell me that time moves faster, the older you get. I am starting to believe them :) So here we are -- Kenny and I are in the midst of preparing for a mission trip to Mexico. Well, Kenny is preparing and I am trying to provide moral support because this will be the first year that I don't go on the trip. Which means that I am actually even more worried about it. How will Kenny survive the trip without me? Oh I am totally kidding, I promise :) I will be the one pacing the halls of my office wondering if he is still alive and well in Mexico. All that to say, I will miss him and the team like crazy!

And since it is March, that brings me to the point of this post, Senior Photos. Every year, we take a handful of senior photos. Mostly because we love high school students! I want to make sure you know we are doing this again and definitely want to work with as many of you as possible! We are getting busier as the weather continues to be incredible! So please schedule your session as soon as you can :) I can't wait to hear from some of you!

Have a great evening everyone! And if you don't mind, please pass this on to the high school families that you know! Cheers! K and K

Chico Maternity Photographer: Megan and Her Sweet Family

Dear Kyle and Megan and Blaine, You are incredible people: Talented and generous. Thank you for loving God and loving the people that come into your lives. We have definitely been blessed by you. And Blaine, well he is so cute and lucky to have you as parents :) Praying for you guys as you prepare to become a family of four!

Much Love Friends, K and K

PS: Kyle and Megan are the amazing designers who did a lot of the graphic design for our new brand this past fall. Let's just say, they are the best!

Megan, you are beautiful!

Kyle and Megan have a sweet love for one another...

We finished near the fields with some of these shots....

And this last one of Blaine and his Dad, I love it!

Like always, I want to show you more and more of their photos, but I must get back to my cleaning :) I have clients coming over too soon :)

Chico Portrait Photographer: The Many Faces of a Child

Kids are the best, huh? When I saw this set of photos, I thought it has to be a blog post. It shows how quickly things change within a matter of seconds. And in some ways, it shows the array of emotions that come with our ever changing lives. So here's to Ethan, who's emotions run deep just like all of ours. Thankful to capture the wondrous spirit of a child -- something we all should aspire to be more like.

And if my blog seems a bit empty lately -- I am taking some time to work on bigger projects within K Stone Photography and some personal projects as well. I love blogging, but is definitely the off season for us. With that, I want to take advantage of some extra time to invest in relationships and bigger projects. Look for blog posts, but not everyday for just a little while.

Thankful for so many of you who follow our blog. We are blessed to have you in our lives!

Oh yes, and Ethan, I'm not sure you could get much cuter...

Chico Photographer: Megan

cour·age   /ˈkɜrɪdʒ, ˈkʌr-/ Show Spelled[kur-ij, kuhr-]noun 1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

Megan is courageous. She has faced incredible challenges in her life and yet she believes with everything in her that God is good. She loves her husband well and never stops giving to her little son, Ethan. She is compassionate and pours into the people around her. And, she has blessed my life as a friend.

Megan, thank you for being courageous in the way that you live your life. You are so beautiful.

Love you friend, K

Chico Photographer: Baby Emma

Baby Emma is too sweet for words. And at seven days old, she was just starting to become a little more alert to the world around her.Enjoy this little glimpse into her newborn session. I am so blessed to work with this family!

Happy Wednesday friends!

Look at all her hair.

And she is just a sweetie and so fascinated with her Mom.

Love the contrast of Brandon's hard working hands with little Emma.

Of course she is all girl...

Rachael had reupholstered this old rocking chair. I love it.

Just a few details in her room. The sweater was hand made and worn by a great-grandparent.

She even gave us the sweetest smile

And by the end of the session, we had tuckered this little girl out.

Chico Maternity Photographer: Rachael and Brandon Tease..

Life is beautiful and the miracle of pregnancy is quite amazing. Today, I got to capture sweet Rachael and Brandon. They are expecting their first little daughter in just about three weeks. Here is a tease from our late afternoon session. Thank you so much Brandon and Rachael! Much Love, K

Chico Portrait Photographer: Happy Birthday Sister

Having a sister is one of the best things that ever happened to me. And today, is her birthday. I am so grateful for who she is and for the amazing things that she has accomplished. Sister, thank you. Thank you for always laughing with me Thank you for listening Thank you for playing dolls with me until I was way too old Thank you for being so good at piano, that Mom let me quit Thank you for inspiring me with your work ethic (and your sense of fashion) Thank you for moving to Chico -- I cannot imagine this town without you Thank you for letting me stop by, anytime, anyday Thank you for marrying Brandon, what would Kenny do without him? Thank you for being so courageous as you trusted God with some crazy adventures this past year Thank you for giving birth to sweet Carsten Oh yes, and thank you for letting me burst into the delivery room the moment Carsten was born Thank you for never giving up on me Thank you for letting me be myself Thank you for standing by me

Most of all, thank you for being one of the greatest friends a sister could ask for. I love you so much! Happy Birthday Marissa!


PS: Isn't she beautiful? This was just a quick snapshot after some family photos the other day.... Love her!

Chico Photographer: R Family Tease...

Dear Heather and Jonathan, What can we say, we just fell in love with your family! Here is a tease from our time together on Saturday, which was such a blessing for us. Thank you for letting us get a small glimpse into your life: Your joy is infectious!

Much Love, K and K

Um... not sure you can get much cuter than this!

Caed, you are an awesome big brother!

And you two, just perfect together! Cheers to seven years and two amazing children!

Chico Photographer: Baby Dylan

Dear Dylan, You are one now. That was a very quick year. I can hardly believe how fast you are growing. There are so many cute things about you -- although, I am not sure that your Dad would want me to call you cute. You are one handsome boy! Thank you Leah and Yancey for letting me be a part of your lives. I have gotten to know you over the past year and consider you friends. You are so kind to Kenny and I. Thank you so much! So cheers to Dylan's first birthday! He is so awesome!

Much Love, K and K

He has had a full head of hair since the very beginning! Pretty amazing stuff!

I am pretty sure he was laughing here -- but I love this expression! It kind of sums up how we all feel sometimes.

Definitely walking now...

And while this last frame doesn't show you his cute face, I really love it. Pure happiness between a Mom and her son!

Chico Photographer: B Family Tease...

On Friday, I worked with this sweet family. They were together, to celebrate Great-Grandma's 95th birthday! I am realizing more and more how many unique stories there are for me to capture. I went away Friday morning, honored to have met this family and witness a bit of their story.... Here are just a few photos of our session... Are they one, happy family, or what?

Amy had contacted me about this session, and her family is so sweet!

I fell in love with this little man! He was all smiles for my camera!

Chico Photographer: Baby C

Ten days ago, my little sister went through the most agonizing thirty hours of her life and God blessed the world with baby Carsten. We have been on cloud nine, loving on our newest nephew. My sister allowed me in the room seconds after the delivery of baby and so I was able to document those precious moments. Those photos are for them, something special that they can remember for the rest of their lives. It was honestly amazing to see back on film. Last week, we were also able to spend some time taking his newborn portraits. I want to save most of them for her to show off and to keep as a surprise for her birth announcements. For now, enjoy this little man. He is so cute -- perfect lips and a full head of hair! We just love him!

My sister purchased this hat long before Carsten arrived, so we had to use it in his portraits... Is he amazing or what?

Chico Photographer: Baby Dylan Tease...

Currently, I am getting very little sleep :) My days consist of so many great things -- but my oh my, can it make a woman tired. When I looked at October, knowing that the cutest of newphews would be born this month as well, I just knew. I knew it was going to be a "hold on for dear life, God give me energy" kind of month. So that is what we are doing. And trying to savor every moment as well. I am so thankful for all that is happening in our life! And, I am so thankful that Starbucks is still making great coffee for times like these :) And yesterday, I had two photo sessions. Here is one tease, from one session, for now. Baby Dylan, you are one! What an incredibly fast year! I love working with his family!

So, cheers to Friday and the fact that my Dad comes for a visit today! It's going to be a great weekend!

Chico Photographer: Sweet Baby C...

Just in case you were wondering why I can't get enough of this little guy... He is beautiful, absolutely perfect! This week we will take his newborn photos... but in case some of you needed a pre-tease of those, here you go... Carsten Jeremiah, you are amazing. We love our new nephew so much!

Chico California Wedding Photographer: Holding Onto Summer

We are holding onto every last bit of summer in this household and treasuring the sun and the slower pace for one last week. So hold on with us, and know that next week will be all things weddings and engagements once again...

Chico California Photographer: Will the Real Baby Einstein Please Stand Up...

You will have to excuse me if in the next week or so, you see a lot of photos of these guys. But honestly, how could I not show the world all of this cuteness? I am taking the next week and a half, before another big wedding season, to plan and prepare for the fall. It will be a bit more quiet on my blog, but not to worry, there is so much to come and LOTS of stories to tell.

And... just in case you were wondering, my nephew Benjamin, may in fact, be the real Baby Einstein! At least his hair points to that fact.

You are so cute...

May your Tuesday be wonderful!

Chico California Photographer: Ashley

We all have stories to tell, every one of us. They are things that have shaped us and made us who we are. This is what I try to do with my work, give the world a glimpse of your story. And so meet Ashley. Her story is beautiful. It is full of great things and the most difficult of challenges. And today, she shines because God has changed her life. As I looked at these photos, what I love most is the way that the light reflected onto Ashley, and made her absolutely shine. Because really, this is what she does each day as she lives her life -- and she is making a huge difference in this world.

Much Love Ashley! You are beautiful!

She is so full of joy!

Just stunning...

And every now and then, I make my clients laugh...

Cheers to Tuesday night!